[Issue Resolved]C# & EF Core : why is the migration failing?

internal class MenuDbContext : DbContext { DbSet<Drinks> drinks => Set<Drinks>(); DbSet<Food> food => Set<Food>(); DbSet<rezMenu> menu => Set<rezMenu>(); protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder) { optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@”Server=DESKTOP-GA3KCB6;Database=Menu_HW;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true”); } } enter image description here As per the title, why is the migration failing (I added the EFC.Tools nuget package)? Whenever I do add-migration [migrationName] from the nuget console, … Read more

what does the codecvt::max_length mean with state-depend encoding

When looking at the description about max_length in cppreference I found the following comment: If the encoding is state-dependent (encoding() == -1), then more than max_length() external characters may be consumed to produce one internal character. So I think this means that: when convert an external char sequence to an internal char, the system might … Read more

Add additional text pages in XSL FO (FOP) without header

I can’t solve one problem. I need to add a few more pages to the end of the document in XSL FO (in FOP), but without headers and footers. I will print the invoice. I have one simple-page-master defined for the first page and another simple-page-master for all other pages. So far it’s been trouble … Read more

UI of the flutter app is different in the released apk then that from the debug apk (eg: change in theme color of app, button size, etc.)

Changes observed in the UI of the released APK are: Button size got changed, overall theme color of the app got changed, size of images got reduced… Message I am getting while building the released apk: ` e: C:/Users/yash/AndroidStudioProjects/new_leader_app/build/libphonenumber_plugin/.transforms/3956b74c61ac78f601aec837377fa8a1/transformed/out/jars/classes.jar! /META-INF/libphonenumber_plugin_release.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata … Read more