Progress on rounded progress bar is not showing in android studio?

So i want to create a progress bar that is rounded but for some reason the inner progress layer is not showing. Here is what i tried: the code for progressbarbg.xml: <layer-list xmlns:android=””> <item android:id=”@android:id/background”> <shape android:shape=”ring” android:innerRadius=”64dp” android:thickness=”8dp” android:useLevel=”false”> <solid android:color=”@color/grey” /> </shape> </item> <item android:id=”@android:id/progress”> <scale android:scaleWidth=”100%”> <shape android:shape=”ring” android:innerRadius=”64dp” android:thickness=”8dp” android:useLevel=”true”> <solid … Read more

tar: Unknown option ‘warning=no-unknown-keyword’ (see “tar –help”)

i’m trying to install ubuntu via termux (android) using proot-distro in ubuntu (yes in is a valid) command but got an error related to the tar package: tar: Unknown option ‘warning=no-unknown-keyword’ (see “tar –help”) i checked proot-distro and `tar packages and they’re all up-to-date to their latest releases, 4.6.0 and 1.35 respectively execution process: pkg … Read more

MongoDB MQL, split list in two and get only unique values

I’m having a books collection in MongoDB. Each has a categories list up to 2 entries, example : categories: [ ‘Thriller’ ] or categories: [ ‘Adventure’, ‘Action’ ] Using MongoDB MQL I need to get two categories lists filtered to project : first list with uniques first values of categories second list with uniques second … Read more

Unable to open file “lb.sql” when using Terraform resource “null_resource” “sqlcl-liquibase”

I’m using OCI DevOps and terraform to create DB and run liquibase changelog against it. After the DB created and wallet and connected to DB successfully I’m receiving this Error: unable to open file “lb.sql” My Terraform script is: resource “null_resource” “sqlcl-liquibase” { provisioner “local-exec” { command = <<-EOT ./sqlcl/bin/sql -cloudconfig admin/${random_string.password.result}@sandboxProd_high @lb.sql EOT … Read more

Cut vertex iterative algorithm

I need to convert Trajan’s recursive algorithm to Trajan’s iterative algorithm.I have a class Graph it contains several methods and fields here is the basic structure that will be needed class Graph { protected: vector< vector<int> > adjList; int n; This is what the recursive code looks like void DFSforTarjan(int u, vector<bool>& visited, set<int>& AP, … Read more