Streaming audio on Flutter with websocket not working as expected

So I am opening a websocket connection with elevenlabs api like this and fetching stream of audio data : final socketChannel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect( ‘wss://${widget.voiceId}/stream-input?model_id=$model’); final AudioPlayer audioPlayer = AudioPlayer(); final streamController = StreamController<List<int>>(); final myCustomSource = MyCustomSource(; final bosMessage = { “text”: ” “, “voice_settings”: {“stability”: 0.5, “similarity_boost”: true}, “xi_api_key”: “api_key”, }; socketChannel.sink.add(jsonEncode(bosMessage)); async … Read more

Why is ‘int i = i;’ legal? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: int var = 1; void main() { int i = i; } The following code can pass compiling under both g++ and Visual C++. Why is it legal? It looks unreasonable, and may cause hidden bugs. int main() { int i = i; … Read more

ICP Between Meshes failed: Too few points

What is the reason that I can’t perform ICP between meshes, output is below: ICP Between Meshes failed: Too few points I have tried different points numbers of meshes, like 1685, 62805, still have the same problem. so how can I solve this issue?

next-auth token is not persisting after refreshing token

i am currently working on a nuxt application, which i need to integrate with a custome provider for authentication(OAuth). for authentication I am using next-auth(AuthJs), All is working fine, when it comes to refreshing the access_token which is necessary for this application it fails. The validity of access_token is 2 hours in the jwt callback, … Read more

MudBlazor TextField is disabled but its validation works

I have a form that it is possible that some of the form elements (MudBlazor components), May be disabled. The problem is that when the field is disabled I want no validation takes place because I send null instead of that field value. But when the textfield is enabled (it is up to user to … Read more

AngularJS with Gulp tasks: browserSync is not working

My Project Structure: this is my gulpfile.js. When I was trying to change .css/.html/.js, until if I refresh, latest changes are not reflecting and sometimes even when I refresh also latest code changes are not reflecting. please help is my gulpfile is correct ? and where to specify in gulpfile to pick latest code changes … Read more

Get data on API use apache nifi

I’m trying to get data from the Scopus API using apache nifi. To do this I need to make several get requests using invokeHttp. Here is the body of the get request: State University)&apiKey=my_api_key&start=0&count=25 I need to change the start field, add 25 to it, that is, start = start + 25. I only … Read more

S3Hook download_file function looking for airflow_tmp folder that doesn’t exist

I am trying to use the S3Hook in airflow to download a file from a bucket location on S3. Below is my code def s3_extract(key: str, bucket_name: str, local_path: str) -> str: source_s3_key = key source_s3_bucket = bucket_name dest_file_path = local_path source_s3 = S3Hook(aws_conn_id = “aws_conn_str”)#This is my connection defined for S3Hooks source_s3.download_file(source_s3_key, source_s3_bucket,f”{dest_file_path}/filename.txt”) file … Read more

How to list all file names from a Zip/tar.gz file inputstream?

What I am currently doing is using the getObject method from S3 to obtain a ResponseInputStream of a compressed file, and then processing these compressed files through some stream methods. Similar to the following code: ZipArchiveInputStream zipIn = s3.getZipIn(); while ((entry = zipIn.getNextZipEntry()) != null) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { continue; } long curFileSize = entry.getSize(); … Read more