Nuxt with Docker – websocket connection failed

I am trying to setup docker compose with db and nuxt dev server. For this, I created custom image for nuxt (for db I used mysql image). When I run docker compose with: docker compose up -d –build And open my app on http://localhost:3000 I get errors about websocket connection failure. This error is not … Read more

Return QJSValue from C++ to qml

I have the following function that returns a javascript array as a QJSValue. But when I call this function from QML, the resulting object is always “undefined”. class MyClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY (QJSValue test READ test NOTIFY testChanged) public: MyClass() {} QJSValue test() { QJSEngine engine; QJSValue l = engine.newArray(5); for (int … Read more

how to fetch jenkins fqdn from jenkins_url in groovy script

Team, I am unable to store splitted var and use it in bash script in groovy. below is the env var of the jenkins container on which bash script is to run. JENKINS_URL= I want to pull just the and use it in bash script. so I did below but yes it won’t work … Read more

Airflow BashOperator prints ‘could not find xxx to execute’

When I use BashOperator to run pg_dump. Airflow prints could not find a “pg_dump” in log. However, airflow successfully use the pg_dump and did the job after it’s printed out. [2023-12-19, 14:24:13 EST] {} INFO – Running command: [‘/usr/bin/bash’, ‘-c’, ‘pg_dump -Fc -v -n $SCHEMA –exclude-table measurement_orig -f $OUT_FILE ] [2023-12-19, 14:24:13 EST] {} INFO … Read more