This is Tailwind problem, please shoutout this error ? i am unable to run my code

Unable to parse HTML; parse5 error code unexpected-solidus-in-tag at E:/Aman’s Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/index.html:79:22 at E:/Aman’s Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/index.html:79:22 at handleParseError (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-R0I0XnyH.js:38504:11) at Parser.onParseError (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-R0I0XnyH.js:38430:13) at Tokenizer._err (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:1125:89) at Tokenizer._stateSelfClosingStartTag (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:2753:22) at Tokenizer._callState (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:1640:22) at Tokenizer._runParsingLoop (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:1149:22) at Tokenizer.write (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:1174:14) at Parser.parse (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:4856:26) at parse (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-kjUoH5nk.js:7927:19) at traverseHtml (file:///E:/Aman’s%20Galaxy/WED_DEVELOPMENT_SITES/Razorpay_using_tailwind/node_modules/vite/dist when i am running my code it gives an error like … Read more

How to create HA and Fault tolerant artemis cluster

I am new to Artemis and trying to understand how to create Production ready Artemis cluster which is HA and Fault tolerant. Some of the documents suggests to use master/replica brokers, it is needed for latest version of Artemis or when you are migrating from ActiveMQ to ActiveMQ artemis? I am attaching my configuration file. … Read more

Django reverse Accessor Clash – Related Name not working

I am receiving an error for ‘reverse accessor’ clashes when trying to create a models for my Django app. Based on what I have seen, supposedly, assigning a unique ‘related name’ to the fields solve the issue. However, I have tried this and it still occurs. I have also tried using ‘%(app_label)s_%(class)s_related’ as a related … Read more

Trouble Simulating Earth’s Elliptical Orbit Motion in Python

I’m attempting to simulate the motion of the Earth around the Sun in an elliptical orbit using Python. I’ve tried using basic trigonometry to calculate velocities and update positions, but I’m encountering issues with the Earth’s velocities not changing as expected along the orbit. Here’s a simplified version of my code: import math earthposx = … Read more

How to get rid of http errors and network errors in ASP.NET Core Web API

I used VS 2022 to build API to take information and now it is using by the clients. The controller class and the action method are shown here: [Route(“[controller]”)] [ApiController] public class ABCController : ControllerBase { [HttpPost(“[action]”)] [ProducesResponseType(typeof(Unit), 200)] public async Task<object[]> MoreDetails(SearchInfo sc) { Error error = new Error(1, “”); Unit[] units = null; … Read more

how to get a UWP xaml control from a dll to host it in xamlisland

I have a win32 app with a xaml island. I want to host some UserControl which is implemented in a different dll. How do I get the user control from the dll and host it in xaml island. Following is the code I am trying to use. m_island = winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource(); auto modalDialogPage = winrt::ModalDialog::ModalDialogPage(); m_island.Content(modalDialogPage); … Read more

onclick attr item inside an iframe, not working in some pages

So I am buildning a html devtools for mobile. this i do by injecting script and an iframe into the page, and it work fine. I encounter some odd issue. Ihave this code which work on all pages except google and webnovel for some reason. tagStart.el.setAttribute( “onclick”, “window.event.stopImmediatePropagation();this.classList.toggle(‘readmode’);this.querySelector(’emchild>.emtext’).classList.toggle(‘readmode’)” ); this element exist inside an iframe, … Read more