electron-builder: Node module not being found in packaged app

When I try to package my electron app, I keep getting: The vectordb node module requires the @lancedb/vectordb-darwin-arm64, however I have both added in my package.json. I’m using React with Webpack too but it’s working when running so I don’t think it’s a Webpack issue (though could be) I have two package.jsons, one under release … Read more

Troubleshooting Laravel Cron Job Execution Error on Hostinger

I am working on a Laravel application and have set up a cron job on Hostinger to handle tasks. However, I’m encountering an execution error. My current cron job setup is as follows: * * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/u543050802/public_html/crm/artisan schedule:run When this cron job runs, I receive the following error in the logs: 2023-12-29 … Read more

Safe value must use [property]=binding after http interceptor and bypass security with DomSanitizer

<!–HTML CODE–> <svg style=”width: 100%; height: 100%;”> <image #cameraImage (load)=”adjustImageSize()” (click)=”clickOnImage($event)” [attr.href]=”imageUrl | secureUrl | async”></image> </svg> // pipe code @Pipe({ name: ‘secureUrl’ }) export class SecureUrlPipe implements PipeTransform { constructor(private http: HttpClient, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { } transform(url): Observable<SafeUrl> { return this.http .get(url, {responseType: ‘blob’}) .pipe(map((e) => this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustUrl(`url(${URL.createObjectURL(e)})`))); } } but the image is … Read more

Install lppls package with R

I’m trying to install LPPLS package in R to run lppls model by Sornette, but I’m not sure how to do it? The github page is as follow: https://github.com/sabato96/lppls

Collabs quicksetup – Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch

I want to create an enterprise so I can have android tablets running an app in locked mode. Running the quicksetup guide (collabs document) gives: Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch. I have correct client id and not using a secret ID since it is not given by google cloud when creating oauth2 client as “Android” type. The … Read more

How much time do calculation units correspond to?

I was training a model on an image dataset in Google Cloud Collab on a free tier, but Google flagged my usage and restarted the environment. I’m willing to buy compute units but would like to know how much time 100cu corresponds to. I will always use the T4 GPU. Is this post still valid?