Cannot execute the procedure [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 5 hours ago. Improve this question I am trying to call the procedure by … Read more

How to hide outside lables in plotly donut chart

I am working on a Flexdashboard with runtime Shiny where I’m plotting a Donut chart. The slices depend on a certain variable and sometimes are too small for the percentage to be shown inside, in which case the labels are displayed outside the chart like in the image below. Donut Chart Image is there a … Read more

How to set a function to execute later in Javascript if it will take a long time?

function wait() { let a = while ( – a < 3000) { //loop } console.log(‘waiting ends…’) } function start(){ console.log(‘starts…’) wait() } function end(){ console.log(‘ends…’) } start() end() How can I set wait() execute asynchronously that lead to a output of “starts…, ends…, waiting ends…” without apply setTimeout function to wait()? without apply … Read more

Add more ticks in plotly log scale

I need to add 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…. ticks on the y-axis. My chart is very tall, so I have enough room to do this. How can I do this? var trace1 = { x: [7, 8], y: [1, 10000000000], type: ‘scatter’ }; var data = [trace1]; var layout = { … Read more

Service onDestroy Called even when there is still work left

I have a CountDownTimer that runs in a service when the app is in the background, onFinish(), the timer is supposed to check whether to start another timer or send a notification, the trouble is that once the timer is finished and the second timer is called, onDestroy is called at the same instant. onStartCommand … Read more

Monaco editor (via @monaco-editor/react) is showing Error: Could not find source file: ‘inmemory://model/2’?

I keep getting this every time the monaco <Editor react component gets passed a new value string: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find source file: ‘inmemory://model/2’. at je (tsWorker.js:254:8493) at [as getSyntacticDiagnostics] (tsWorker.js:254:13349) at um.getSyntacticDiagnostics (tsWorker.js:33954:2557) at _.fmr (workerMain.js:22:32298) at g.d (workerMain.js:22:17052) at Object.handleMessage (workerMain.js:22:16773) at S.k (workerMain.js:22:14026) at S.h (workerMain.js:22:13657) at S.handleMessage … Read more