How to call awaitable method on AutoMapper Profile

I’m currently working on a project where I’m using AutoMapper to map objects between different layers of my application. In one of my AutoMapper profiles, I need to call an async method to retrieve some additional data before performing the mapping. However, it seems that AutoMapper profiles don’t directly support asynchronous methods. Here’s a simplified … Read more

getting error @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function | composable inside pointerInput

I want to call Text inside detectDragGestures it gives error error: @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function Canvas( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .pointerInput(Unit) { detectDragGestures( onDragStart = { touch -> Text(“0”) }, ) } ) You can’t – onDragStart lambda/closure is not a composable function. However you can use … Read more

What am I doing wrong? (Coding Syntax Error)

Why do I get red lines on fieldName and order? I’m following the API reference here: Here’s a sample from the example in the reference: /* Sample filters object: * { * orderStatuses: [‘PAUSED’, ‘CANCELED’] * } */ /* Sample sorting object: * { * fieldName: [‘createdDate’], * order: [‘ASC’] * } */ /* … Read more

how to make the next task only execute after 3 secs from last execution?

I would like to make the @shared_task only run after 3 secs from the last execution. The reason is my django app need to call another API that have rate limit 1 request 1 sec. My code: “/crawl”, response=StdResponse[Union[Data, None]], ) def crawl_me( request, payload: DataCrawl, ): … task_sm.crawl_book.apply_async((book_id, book_name), countdown=10) … … Read more

jdbi-jpa with jakarta.persistence

I’m using JDBI in testing, and where it is often practical to directly peek in the database. To reduce mapping issues jdbi-jpa prevent naming columns twice, so it could be quite handy… If it would be using the Jakarta annotations instead of javax. Any plans on providing a Jakarta compatible version?

AWS Pinpoint Email Delivery Issues: 0 Messages Delivered Out of 9444 Sent

I’m facing an issue with AWS Pinpoint where my emails aren’t being delivered, and I’m seeking insights or solutions. Here are the details: Delivery count metrics: Messages sent: 9,444 Messages delivered: 0 Links clicked: 0 Account Details: Account tier: Production Channel status: Enabled Total messages sent: 16,870 (with a 50,000 message limit) Despite the channel … Read more

How to configure SSL certificates for Azure Firewall [closed]

Closed. This question is not about programming or software development. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a … Read more

Dividing results table in PHP into sub-tables

I am revising the question I asked before that was not clear at all. I am very much new to PHP programming. I have a table in postgres: | gene_name | description| | gene1 | kuku | | gene1 | blabla | | gene2 | tralala | I have a search form with an option … Read more