I started getting this error: Error: Schema validation failed with the following errors: Data path “” must have required property ‘browserTarget’

How to fix it? This is my angular.json file: { “$schema”: “./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json”, “version”: 1, “newProjectRoot”: “projects”, “projects”: { “recon-app”: { “projectType”: “application”, “schematics”: { “@schematics/angular:component”: { “standalone”: false }, “@schematics/angular:directive”: { “standalone”: false }, “@schematics/angular:pipe”: { “standalone”: false } }, “root”: “”, “sourceRoot”: “src”, “prefix”: “app”, “architect”: { “build”: { “builder”: “@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser”, “options”: { “outputPath”: … Read more

Problem Posting dxf file To Google Drive API V3 from Appian

Below info about the integration Base URL : https://www.googleapis.com/upload/drive/v3/files Method : POST Query Parameters : uploadType : multipart Headers : Content-Type : application/dxf Request Body : Request Body The file size in Appian is equal to 1.47 MB but after upload in google drive it gets down to 18 octets. Appian Integration: HttpResponse statusLine”HTTP/1.1 200 … Read more

Puppet – IF statement using custom fact does not work

The if statement doesn’t work using a custom fact, i try this : notify { “FACTER value= ${facts[‘versionrepokubelocal’]}”: } if $facts[‘versionrepokubelocal’] != ‘2’ { notify { “Upgrading repository version”: } } I use notify before “if” for to check the value of the custom fact. Trying with puppet apply (same with puppet agent -t on … Read more

How to copy files from subdirectory with same name to another location in linux [closed]

Closed. This question is not about programming or software development. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a … Read more

import spring.ftl cannout found

i’m upgrade my project from old boot 1.x to 2.3.12, and almost done but one thing is make problem. In this project i used freemarker, so upgrade boot and used starter-freemarker. server is going right well, but approach to some ftl page there’s error that cannout found in basePackagePath=”/templates/” spring.ftl I think some configuration is … Read more

KPL errors encountered after upgrading Spring Cloud Stream Binder for Kinesis to 4.0.2

After upgrading from org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-stream-binder-kinesis:4.0.0 to 4.0.2, we are encountering errors as seen in the following stack trace: 2024-01-08 | 13:51:05.700 | kpl-daemon-0003 | ERROR | c.a.s.k.producer.LogInputStreamReader | Trace: | Span: | [ERROR] —BEGIN ERROR—- Signal: SIGSEGV Code: (1) Address: 18446744073709551608 Description: Segmentation fault —BEGIN STACK TRACE— SYMBOLS:(17/800) /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x481209] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x480dff] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3bcf0)[0x7f3f79103cf0] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0xa6d7eb] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x4337b9] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x42107e] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x49de71] /tmp/amazon-kinesis-producer-native-binaries/kinesis_producer_41844663F5C27C0951BAD79EF669ACBFE9FC8C00[0x431ef7] … Read more

How to encrypt file using sops using a key stored in Azure Vault in China

I’m trying to implement the sops tool in order to manage secrets in my terraform code. I already installed sops sucessfully, and executed the following commands: az cloud set –name AzureChinaCloud az login az account set ###-###-###-#### (subscription id) I also created an enviornment variable: AZURE_ENVIRONMENT=”azurechinacloud” When I execute the command to encrypt a file … Read more

Flask route doesn’t update backend status

I’m currently working on a Flask web application that makes multiple API calls. I want to improve transparency for users by sending dynamic status updates to the frontend to indicate which API call the application is currently at. I’ve tried to achieve this using a global variable and a dedicated status route, but it’s not … Read more