How to draw bars between ticks in a QtCharts Widget?

I’m attempting to create a bar chart using QtCharts. I want to have an horizontal axis of numeric values and my bars to be displayed in between the ticks. However, it seems that, differently from the case of a QBarCategoryAxis in which the labels will be centralized at the bars (each bar representing a category), … Read more

receive same notification every login

I’m creating a chat app where I receive notifications on my second device whenever I send a message. Each time I log in, I consistently receive the same notification. this is my FirebaseNotificationService class @SuppressLint(“MissingFirebaseInstanceTokenRefresh”) public class FirebaseNotificationService extends FirebaseMessagingService { public static final String CHANNEL_ID_1 = “channel_1”; public static final String CHANNEL_ID_2 = “channel_2”; … Read more

Make a clip-path inset a square on any viewport, in JS

Hello here is a codepen that shows my problem I’m trying to make a JS calculation that changes the clip path inset of a div so that it shows a square. There’s one constraint: the square width has to be 20vw Here is an image that shows how it can look like on different viewports … Read more

Container NAMES when deploying with Docker

I’ve just done my first ever Docker deployment, when i run this command to see the status of recent processes… docker ps -a I get this output My question is; what are those name referring to? Those are random names generated for each container you are running. You can see those names at pkg/namesgenerator/names-generator.go. // … Read more

partial() on python types?

I often use type hints to help document code & occasionally when the type signatures are too complex & repeatedly used I alias them like this: MyType = Dict[Tuple[int,…], float] # ex: cluster & score. Is there a way in python to parametrize type parts? A common use case is when I want to describe … Read more

Adjust the alignment of VEGA bar charts

I would like to adjust the alignment of my charts so that it can look like the following image: To be up to 220 characters, I ask another question: how to add a tendency on each bar chart just under each chart title ? It could be like : “XX%” with a triangle UP or … Read more