python program to do (a). round the numbers in list (b). print minimum and maximum numbers in list. (c). multiply the number by 5 and print number [closed]

For a given input list, write a python program that:

  1. Rounds the numbers in the list.
  2. Prints the minimum and maximum of the numbers in the list.
  3. Multiplies the numbers by 5 and prints the unique numbers in ascending order.

I tried to program this exercise using python, but my solution didn’t work. I hope that I can find my mistake and solve the problem.

  • Have you tried anything yet? Where exactly are you stuck?


  • i tried doing python code but i did not workout. i hope that i will correct code and i can find my mistake. – we can only correct the mistake in your code if you show it. Edit the question to add your code as code formatted text.


  • 1

    Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read How to Ask and How do I ask and answer homework questions?. We will not write code to specification for you here. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense; aside from that, we require a specific question – which will come out of your best attempt to understand and analyze the task, identify the logical steps to solve the problem, and figure out where you are actually stuck. Make sure to check if the issue is already addressed in another question.


  • Doing physical exercise is important to keep you healthy, so it’s not good that you didn’t workout. Concerning your code, could you please post what you have tried?


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