PyInstaller, generate binary file to ARM32

I have an image in virtualbox with “xubuntu-22.04.03-desktop-amd64.iso”. In this machine I have installed python3.7, pyinstall and others libs,
Arquitecture of my virtualbox image.

Now, I have an application written in python 3.7 and I need to generate a binary file from my application to a ARM32 arquitecture using pyinstaller.

At this moment I´m able to generate the binary file of my application and the binary file is working. The problem is that I need to execute this binary file within an ARM32 arquitecture system. I tried to execute it but I have the next error: “cannot execute binary file”.

I have read this problem can be by generate the binary file in a different arquitecture than ARM32.

How could I generate this binary file to works in ARM32.

Thank you for help.

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