Provide dependency file to a Spring app deployed with Docker

I have a Spring application as a war file deployed in Tomcat. All is done with a docker file. While running the app, I get an exception for this missing file Script resource ste/SteCommon.groovy: not found at scripts/ste/SteCommon.groovy and Script resource ste/SteCommon.groovy: not found at /home/vcap/cloudsuite/config/scripts/ste/SteCommon.groovy.

I see in docker file there is an env variable with the path /home/vcap/cloudsuite/config, how can I put a file in it?

Below the dockerfile:

# Use the official Tomcat image as the base image
FROM tomcat:9-jdk17

# Set environment variables
ENV JBP_CONFIG_OPEN_JDK_JRE='{jre: {version: 1.17+}}' \
JBP_CONFIG_TOMCAT='{ tomcat: { version: 9.0.+ }, context_path: /cloudsuite-car/maker }' \
CLOUDSUITE_BASE_DIR='/home/vcap/cloudsuite/config' \
CLOUDSUITE_PROFILE_DIR='/home/vcap/cloudsuite/config' \
CLOUDSUITE_DATA_DIR='/home/vcap/cloudsuite/data' \
CLOUDSUITE_LOG_DIR='/home/vcap/cloudsuite/log' \
CLOUDSUITE_DATA_SHARED='/home/vcap/cloudsuite/data' \
JDBC_DRIVERCLASSNAME='org.postgresql.Driver' \
JDBC_URL='jdbc:postgresql://car-postgres:5432/car' \
JDBC_USERNAME='postgres' \
JDBC_PASSWORD='postgres' \

# Set Java options
ENV JAVA_OPTS='-Duser.timezone=UTC -Djava.rmi.server.hostname= -'

# Remove the default Tomcat webapps (optional)
RUN rm -rf /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/*

# Copy your WAR file to the webapps folder of the Tomcat container
COPY cloudsuite-car#maker.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war

# Expose the default Tomcat port (optional, as the base image already does this)

I am not sure I can provide it.

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