Problems while building ADS1299 driver for Portenta H7 using Arduino SPI library

I am working with the ADS1299 Dev Board from TI , and facing a lot of problems to connect it with arduino protenta h7 , I did something similar before with the Pico and it was working but I am unable to integrate it with Portenta H7.
Dropping my libs repo below , any help would really be appreciated :
My Library for Portenta H7 with ADS1299

Also sharing the Pico Library for ADS1299 which I am using as refference: Pico Lib for ADS1299
And the Driver for Pico itself was made using this lib:
Arduino ADS1299 Driver

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    Well, it uses some PicoSPI.h so suppose it’s something existing only for pico. SPI instance is pretty much hardcoded to be exactly what picoSPI provides, so at most you can try replace that with SPI and hope it’s at least a bit compatible


  • Yeah but the Pico lib for ads1299 was written using the OpenBCI ADS1299 driver for arduino itself…


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    You didn’t describe what is not working and what exactly is the problem you are facing and exactly what you need help. BTW, to only calling SPI.beginTransaction() only once in the init, you are going to hold up the SPI bus for as long as the library is running, this might work for the chip you are using, but if there is more than one SPI device on the bus, the other chip won’t be able to communicate via SPI.


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    SPI transactional API allows user to setup configuration for each transaction and release the SPI bus by calling SPI.endTransaction(). SPI Transactional APIs has been introduced in 2014, and the Arduino ADS1299 driver you were referring to is using deprecated SPI API.


  • @hcheung Just look at my portenta driver for ADS1299 , is there any other SPI library or method I should use to communicate with the ADS1299 board thats all I want to know, I am just not sure about the how to setup the SPI for Portenta, please help man


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