I’m stuck, how do I calculate p-values for the Scheffé test from pooled data (means and standard deviations) like “sheffeTest” from library(DescTools)? I didn’t find any documentation. The contrasts I’m considering are all possible pairwise comparisons.
I got the following data called Data_sum:
Location n mean sd
<fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
TM 5 0.08016 0.0145622
NP 5 0.07550 0.0091643
PB 5 0.10434 0.0195800
and my contrast table looks like this (which is the same as using emmeans(model, pairwise ~ Location, adjust=”scheffe”):
Contrast.Name TM NP PB
TMvsNP -1 1 0
TMvsPB -1 0 1
NPvsPB 0 -1 1
I calculated an Anova using anovaMean() from library(HH). I can calculate Sheffe by hand given the values from Anova, but im not able to calulate p-values. Any clues?
Edit: solved, see code below
- Caclulating Anova from summary statistics from Data_sum using library(HH)
anova_summary = anovaMean(Data_sum$Location, Data_sum$n, Data_sum$mean, Data_sum$sd)
- Creating a contrast table (or Dataframe)
note: grouping variable doesnt has to be a factor, order is generated by unique()
# Setup
df <- Data_sum
iv <- "Location" # Column containing the explanatory variable in df
mean_col <- "mean" # Column containing the means in df
obs_col <- "n" # Column containing the number of observations in df
# Initialize the contrasts data frame outside the loop
contrasts.df <- data.frame(
contrast = character(),
diff = numeric(),
n_precalc = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Function to calculate contrasts and differences
calculate_contrasts <- function(level1, level2) {
# Means
m <- function(level) mean(df[[mean_col]][df[[iv]] == level])
# Number of observations
n <- function(level) sum(df[[obs_col]][df[[iv]] == level])
# cbind results
data.frame(contrast = paste(level1, " - ", level2, sep = ""),
diff = m(level1) - m(level2),
# Precalculated part of t-statistic
n_precalc = 1 / n(level1) + 1 / n(level2))
# Loop for calculating contrasts and differences
for (i in 1:(length(unique(df[[iv]])) - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):length(unique(df[[iv]]))) {
level1 <- unique(df[[iv]])[i] # i-th level of iv
level2 <- unique(df[[iv]])[j] # j-th level of iv
# Calculation of contrasts and differences for each pair of levels
contrasts.df <- rbind(contrasts.df, calculate_contrasts(level1, level2))
- Doing the math as advised from PBulls
note: since pooled_n = mean(contr$n_precalc), only works in balanced design with equal number of observations
df = Data_sum
iv = "Location" #column with explanatory variable in df
obs = "n" #column with number of observations in df
alpha = 0.05 #Set the significance level
anova = anova_summary #anovaMean object (library(HH))
contr = contrasts.df #name of the contrasts dataframe
n = sum(df[[obs]]) #total number of observations
k = length(unique(df[[iv]])) #Number of groups/levels of explanatory variable
rank = k-1 #rank of the test
#statistics derived from anovaMean
mse = anova$`Mean Sq`[2] #mean squared error
#values derived from contrasts.df
pooled_means = contr$diff #vector of means
if (sd(contr$n_precalc) != 0) warning("Balanced design required!")
pooled_n = mean(contr$n_precalc) #cave balanced design
#scheffe t-statistics
se = sqrt(mse*pooled_n) #pooled standard error
t.ratio = pooled_means/se #tratio
p.values = pf(t.ratio**2/rank, rank, n-k, lower.tail = F) #p-value
t.crit = sqrt(rank*qf(1-alpha, rank, n-k)) #critical t-value
#confidence intervals
lwr.ci = pooled_means - t.crit * se
upr.ci = pooled_means + t.crit * se
sheffe.df = data.frame(contrast = contr$contrast,
estimate = contr$diff,
SE = se,
df = n-k,
t.ratio = t.ratio,
p.value = p.values,
lwr.ci = lwr.ci,
upr.ci = upr.ci)
print(paste0("Confidence level used: ",1-alpha))
print(paste0("Conf-level adjustment: sheffe method with rank ",k-1))
the result is a dataframe with exact results as “sheffeTest” from library(DescTools), but using summary statistics instead