Not getting the data by fetching dynamically with _id from mongoDB

I have tried a lot to fetch this${_id}
I tried manually also. But I am not getting any value if I put the /_id.. Please help me to solve the problem. I want to update a product details onClick.But I am not able to update my product untill I get the specific product Id and details. As I m very beginner, I tried a lot to solve the issue.But I couldn’t. Hope someone will give the solve with explaination.

 const productCollection = client.db("AllProduct").collection("AllProductCollection");

 // update functionality
   app.get('/products/:id', async (req, res) => {
     const id =;
     const query = { _id: new ObjectId(id) }
     const result = await productCollection.findOne(query);

   app.put('/products/:id', async (req, res) => {
     const id =;
     const filter = { _id: new ObjectId(id) }
     const updatedProductDetails = req.body;
     const updatedProduct = {
         $set: {
           type: updatedProductDetails.type,
           rating: updatedProductDetails.rating,
           productName: updatedProductDetails.productName,
           price: updatedProductDetails.price,
           image: updatedProductDetails.image,
           brandName: updatedProductDetails.brandName,
           description: updatedProductDetails.description,
     const result = await productCollection.updateOne(filter, updatedProduct);
        path: "/update/:id",
        element: <Update></Update>,
        loader: ({params}) => fetch(`${}`)
Link to={`/update/${_id}`} className="w-full">
            <button className=" btn py-3 bg-blue-950 hover:text-blue-950 hover:bg-white hover:border-2 hover:border-blue-950 text-white font-normal tracking-widest border-0 px-8  w-full rounded-none">
const data = useLoaderData()
    const { type, rating, productName, price, image, brandName, description, _id} = data;

    const handleUpdate = event => {

        const type =;
        const rating =;
        const productName =;
        const price =;
        const image =;
        const brandName =;
        const description =;

        const updatedProduct = { type, rating, productName, price, image, brandName,description }

        fetch(`${_id}`, {
            method: 'PUT',
            headers: {
                'content-type': 'application/json'
            body: JSON.stringify(updatedProduct)
            .then(res => res.json())
            .then(data => {
                if (data.modifiedCount > 0) {
                  swal("Updated successfuully");


  • What exactly is the problem? What is failing? Please edit to clarify what exactly the issue or problem is, and include a complete and cohesive minimal reproducible example enough a reader can see and understand what the code is doing, and when.


  • The problem is, _id value is undefined in backend server.


  • Probably this line here in the GET handler: const id = req.params.productName;. Should it be const id =; to match the path string "/products/:id"?


  • Sorry, that productName added mistakly.. But i have used Still not working


  • So is id the value you expect it to be in the backend? If so, does const query = { productName: new ObjectId(id) } resolve with the value you expect? If so, the next line? What is the error you are seeing in the backend? Where does the backend logic break?


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