Not able to run kubernetes website locally [closed]

According to steps for local installation:
when I run:
make container-serve

I get a error saying:
‘awk’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
make: *** [module-check] Error 255

I was expecting it to run even i setup the makefile and linked it to environment path variable,
it should have run to a localhost.

  • I think more information are needed in order to troubleshoot this. You are mentioning some steps for local instalation. Which steps are these? Also, please provide more information on what container you are trying to run. Have you checked if your container has awk installed?


This command make container-serve was likely failing due to the absence of awk on your system.
This can be solved it by installing the awk system package (e.g on Ubuntu with sudo apt-get install mawk).

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