I want to call stored procedure, passing parameter values while computing.
EXEC Procedure_Name @Parameter1-1, @Parameter2
I don’t want to use any other variable.
You could just do the addition in a statement before going into the stored procedure resuing parameter 1
set @Parameter1= @Parameter1+1;
EXEC Procedure_Name @Parameter1, @Parameter2
You can achieve it using dynamic SQL
to avoid variable for calculation. Something like below should work for you.
DECLARE @Parameter1 INT
DECLARE @Parameter2 INT
SET @Parameter1 = 10
SET @Parameter2 = 10
SET @Script = N'EXEC Procedure_Name @Param1 = ' + CAST(@Parameter1 - 1 AS NVARCHAR(10)) + ', @Param2 = @Parameter2'
PRINT @Script
EXEC (@Script)
But its not recommended to use dynamic SQL for such simple purpose.
You can’t carry out any form of computation, calculation, function call as part of calling the SP. Nada
It is not possible without using variable