In a column of values (Trash Tonnages), which we evaluate every 4 to 6 months. We need to retrieve the 5 or 6 middle values in order to re-evaluate our routes. Is there a method to do this in excel, the MID() function only results in one value we need the 5 or 6 middle values.
We have tried the MID() function but cant figure out how to obtain the 5 or 6 middle values (in their own cells, of course)
Something like this:
That was based on the “middle” counting the items, if you want an arithmetic “middle” then median() or average() could be used.
Once you have the value them match() is used with +1 or -1 to get either side. If the spacing is wider then that will need adjusting.
Expand for as many as you need, ie +2 and -2 etc
Not quite clear what you really need. If you show us some samples with the source and the result we can give more help. Pls. use Markdown or at least text samples. Don’t use screenshot.