I am trying to create a custom tab with buttons that is created after a user has successfully logged in. The creation of the dynamic component works well but i seem to have issues with the onClicked signal inside the mouse area of the custom button.
If i don’t dynamically create the Application.qml the custom buttons work perfectly.
I cant seem to find the issue and since i am new to coding in qt i am sure i have missed something. Here is the code:
import QtQuick 6.2
id: buttonRect
width: 100
height: 20
radius: 2
color: "#B2BEB5"
signal buttonClicked
id: buttonText
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("TESTING")
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: { console.log("NOT WORKING"); } //buttonRect.buttonClicked()
import QtQuick 6.2
id: tabRow
spacing: 2
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
property int tabIndex
id: firstButton
onButtonClicked: {
tabIndex = 0;
console.log("first button clicked");
id: secondButton
onButtonClicked: {
tabIndex = 1;
console.log("second button clicked");
id: underline
width: 100
height: 2
anchors.top: parent.bottom
property real targetX: tabRow.tabIndex * underline.width
NumberAnimation on x{
duration: 200;
to: underline.targetX;
running: underline.x !== underline.targetX;
Code in Login.qml for the creation
target: db
function onWrongLogin() {
wrongLoginText = true
function onRightLogin(){
var component = Qt.createComponent("Application.qml");
//appWindow is the Window in main.qml it only has Login in it
var application = component.createObject(appWindow,{ width:
appWindow.width, height:appWindow.height});
if(application === null)
console.log("Error creating object");
import QtQuick 6.2
import QtQuick.Controls
Item {
id: applicationItem
visible: true
enabled: true
Thanks to the comment of JarMan opening my eyes I Fixed the issue. You need to connect the clicked signal from the MouseArea to a slot(function) and the function is called when the signal is emitted.
import QtQuick 6.2
id: buttonRect
width: 100
height: 20
radius: 2
color: "#B2BEB5"
function showClicked(){
//signal buttonClicked
id: buttonText
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("TESTING")
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: { console.log("NOT WORKING"); } //buttonRect.buttonClicked()
A signal can be connected to another signal or a slot.
You tried connecting it to a signal handler (more information here : The QML Reference, Signal attributes).
The correct syntax would be:
buttonRect.buttonClicked.connect(mouseArea.clicked); // not onClicked
What you most likely wanted was connecting the other way around (like you did in your answer):
mouseArea.buttonClicked.connect(buttonRect.clicked); // specifying buttonRect here is superfluous
What you should actually do is not doing an imperative connection but just doing it declaratively and directly emitting the signal:
anchors.fill: parent
cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: buttonRect.clicked()
I also agree with @Mark that using a Button
would be preferred.
In your CustomTabButton.qml code, can you explain your Component.onCompleted function? It looks like you are creating a signal loop where the mouseArea.onClicked calls buttonRect.buttonClicked, and then buttonRect.buttonClicked calls mouseArea.onClicked. I don’t know if that’s causing your problem, but it clearly looks wrong.
Oh i forgot to remove that code. In documentation it said to connect signals from dynamically created objects use the connect method. It was just a wild thing i did thinking it might fix the issue.
Out of curiosity, why are you creating a custom button from a rectangle, rather than inheriting from qml’s ‘Button’ type? If it’s just an exercise in qml coding, then I understand.
Yes for learning and knowing exactly how the button works. I will try it with a button type too to see the difference in them!