Monitor game memory if it has any write values or arrays changed by process [closed]

i have a game “A” , tool “B” for make write value at address on memory of game

i need to make tool using c# or c++ for Monitor the memory if it has been changed by specific tool “B”

i tried to make that code using c# :

using (var memorySharp = new MemorySharp(targetProcessId))
        // Create a thread that continuously monitors memory writes
        var monitorThread = new System.Threading.Thread(() =>
            // Create an array to store the initial state of memory
            byte[] initialMemory = new byte[0x1000]; // Replace with the desired size

            // Read the initial state of memory
            memorySharp.ReadBytes(IntPtr.Zero, initialMemory);

            while (true)
                // Read the current state of memory
                byte[] currentMemory = new byte[0x1000]; // Replace with the desired size
                memorySharp.ReadBytes(IntPtr.Zero, currentMemory);

                // Compare the current state with the initial state
                if (!ByteArrayCompare(initialMemory, currentMemory))
                    Console.WriteLine("Memory write detected!");

                // Update the initial state
                initialMemory = currentMemory;

                // Sleep or use a timer to avoid constant checking
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Sleep for 1 second, for example


        Console.WriteLine("Monitoring memory writes. Press Enter to exit.");

        // Stop the monitoring thread when done

  • Check that address periodically? Sending a message from B to A when B changes memory?


  • 3

    And what’s your question now?


  • make tool using c# or c++ for Monitor the memory if it has been changed by specific tool “B”


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