I want to create view
Create view vetudiant(matricule,sexe,ville,tel,email,idDep)
as select (matricule,sexe,ville,tel,email,idDep) from etudiants;
This is table of etudiants:
create table etudiants (
matricule varchar2(50) primary key,
nom VARCHAR2(50),
prenom VARCHAR2(50),
sexe CHAR(1),
ville VARCHAR2(50),
tel VARCHAR2(50) constraint fk_tel unique,
email VARCHAR2(50) constraint fk_email unique,
idDep varchar2(50),constraint fk_dep foreign key (idDep) references departement(idDep)
missing right paranthesis
I try to create view but I have error missing right paranthesis
Remove the brackets in the
clause.Create view vetudiant(matricule,sexe,ville,tel,email,idDep) as select matricule,sexe,ville,tel,email,idDep from etudiants;
fiddleYou don’t need parentheses after the SELECT statement when defining the columns for the view.