MAUT AppShell top blue bar

I’m trying to use a AppShell page to visualize 2 pages. I don’t want anything in the upper part of the page.. My code is the following

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    Shell.TabBarBackgroundColor="{StaticResource DietMain}"

        <Tab Title="Names">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:SearchByName}" />
        <Tab Title="Categories">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:SearchByCategory}" />

The first time I go on the Names page it looks like this.
enter image description here

But if I go to Categories page (that runs perfectly) and I come back to Names a top blue bar appears. And from that moment on it’s not possible to eliminate it.
enter image description here

I have assigned NavBarIsVisible=False. I have also tryed to assign a color to the NavigationBar to see if it was really a NavigationBar, but the result was always the same

First question: what is the blue bar?  Not the Navigation, I suppose

Second: How can I remove it definitively?

  • That’s still the (or a) navigation bar. What does the XAML (header) of your SearchByName and SearchByCategory pages look like? Have you tried setting Shell.NavBarIsVisible="False" in each of those?


  • Yes I did. And I tryed also to change their color, but they remained the same. And they seam to be empty.


  • Based on your code, I created a demo, but I couldn’t reproduce this problem. Could you please post the steps of reproducing this problem?


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