If you are looking for mail plural, please checkout the links below :
1. What is the plural of mail? – WordHippo
2. mail – Wiktionary
In the United States, mails (plural) can mean “the postal system”. Derived termsEdit · accountable mail · air mail · carry the mail …
3. The Plural of E-Mail – The New York Times
‘ Correct?” The plural form of e-mail is, indeed, e-mails, even though there’s no corresponding plural of mail as mails. This mismatch …
4. Can I write a word “mail” in plural form? Zip codes … – italki
The mail delivered through the post office is a mass or uncountable noun and thus has no plural form. I received mail (one letter) or mail (two letters and a …
5. Mail | Definition of Mail by Merriam-Webster
Mail definition is – material (such as letters and packages) sent or carried in a … sent through the mail —often used in pluralpackages sent through the mails.
6. The plural form of mail is mail, but the plural form of e … – Reddit
The plural form of mail is mail, but the plural form of e-mail is e-mails. from Showerthoughts
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7. The Plural of Email – Emails? – English Language & Usage …
5 answers
8. Plural Form Of ‘Mail’?
1 author
9. Mail or Mails ? | The Grammar Exchange
In this case, you are using “emails” as a plural count noun. If you are referring to the paper mail that comes to your home or your office, you would say, “There was …
10. Email, Emails-Singular or Plural? – BusinessWritingBlog
“Mail” is an uncountable noun and that’s why ‘Email” should follow that root. But of course, as Lynn said, most companies, big or small, international or local, they …
11. What Is the Plural Form of Email? (Grammar Rules) – Writer’s …
This is unlike the plural form of mail, since you wouldn’t say you received 10 mails since last week, though you might say you’ve received 10 …
12. Email – Pain in the English
Someone told me that “email” does not have a plural form “emails” because it is used in the same manner as “mail”, which means that “an …