My dataset is 597515 rows, 31 columns measuring one variable. So input shape (31,1).
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
gpu_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices("GPU")
for device in gpu_devices:
tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(device, True)
raw_dataset = pd.read_csv('data.csv').drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'])
train_set = raw_dataset.sample(frac=0.8, random_state=42)
test_set = raw_dataset.drop(train_set.index)
import numpy as np
train_features = train_set.copy()
test_features = test_set.copy()
train_labels = train_features.pop('T+1')
test_labels = test_features.pop('T+1')
train_features = train_features.to_numpy().reshape(train_features.shape[0], 31, 1)
test_features = test_features.to_numpy().reshape(test_features.shape[0], 31, 1)
Here’s my model. Parameters were determined via Optuna, though I found that different configurations result in the same phenomena, just with different values.
model = tf.keras.Sequential()
model.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(4, return_sequences=True))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(13, return_sequences=False))
metrics=['mae', 'mse']
history =,
Finally resulting in the following loss graph
Looking at the predictions I get the following same values
[-9.407474]], dtype=float32)
And this is what it looks like plotted against the first 50 test label values.
I’m pretty much at a loss, and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Where is the time dimension in your problem? I feel you are using LSTM wrongly.
@user2586955 I’m not sure I understand your question? Each value corresponds to a variable at a specific time. I’m trying to identify dependencies between time steps. There are 31 columns thus 31 time steps. It seems LSTM is okay to use here. What am I missing?
try to scale your series, I think this could be the first step to increase the performances