Looker Studio – Blended event metric

I need to blend the following events from Ga4 into one scorecard in a lookerstudio dashboard:

  • book_consultation
  • get_in_touch
  • request_information
  • click_to_call
  • egg_donation
  • sperm_donation

I have attemped creating the following Case as a custom Metric. It is returning the following error:

WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Event name, “”(book_consultation|get_in_touch|request_information|click_to_call|egg_donation|sperm_donation)””) THEN “”Event Count””
ELSE “”Event Name””

I have attached screenshots for clarification.

enter image description here
enter image description here

  • Hamish: This question Needs Details or Clarity, thus edit so it’s self contained (Example) with 1) Data: 3-9 rows of Inputs (Markdown Table) with Sample Data set (Google: Sheets, Analytics, etc) 2) Expected output table 3) Chart: Configuration + Setup 4) Issue: Attempt at solving + Output / Error 5) Report: Publicly editable Looker Studio with 1-4. Without a minimal reproducible example it would be difficult to test suggestions & the issue could be general troubleshooting


  • Have added more detail. Hopefully sufficient.


  • The question lacks a minimal reproducible example. See the first comment for additional details


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