I published the vendor pagination and am using a slightly modified vendor/pagination/default.blade.php
and I have all my styling in dev (macos laptop).
(I have to use my own view pagination because the site does not use/want a css framework.)
I push to prod (using git deploy, deploy script below) and I get my pagination — but I am missing all my styling. I can add styling inline and it will show up on prod, but it isn’t recognizing my styles in my app.css file. Clearing the cache doesn’t solve this.
I assume it is when things get compiled with Vite? Is the pagination view getting rendered in some manner that it doesn’t have access to my stylesheet?
Update, here is my deploy script (using Laravel Forge):
git pull origin $FORGE_SITE_BRANCH
$FORGE_COMPOSER install --no-dev --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
( flock -w 10 9 || exit 1
echo 'Restarting FPM...'; sudo -S service $FORGE_PHP_FPM reload ) 9>/tmp/fpmlock
if [ -f artisan ]; then
$FORGE_PHP artisan migrate --force
npm run build
php artisan view:cache
When it is time to deploy your app for production, simply run the
vite build