J8583 – Nested LLLLVAR

Is it possible to do nested LLLLVAR using J8583? With the given sample value below the DE 63 which has length of 18 will have its LLLLVAR = 0018313830303030313431313831343030303234, then using this value we need to get the LLLLVAR again that should end up like this 00200018313830303030313431313831343030303234. I tried Composite but instead got this 002030303138313830303030313431313831343030303234

val msgFactory = MessageFactory<IsoMessage>()

val isoRequest: IsoMessage = msgFactory.newMessage(0x800)

    .setValue(63, "180000141181400024", IsoType.LLLLVAR, "180000141181400024".length)


  • Does this answer your question? J8583 set Subfields to IsoMessage object


  • @AndrésAlcarraz I actually tried that but never managed to successfully get the result I want, the LLLLVAR makes everything turn in hex. I updated the question


  • You need to improve on explaining what you tried, it’s hard to tell from your words when you say you tried composite. Perhaps showing what you tried in code, and comparing each output with expected. Next to each code you tried.


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