Issues opening a badly shaped .txt file [closed]

I have a firm-level database in .txt. Unfurtunately, it is very badly shaped and no automatic function from R is able to read it properly. Is there an expert who can help me? you can also reach out directly to me at [email protected]

I have already tried to open it with automatic function in R but nothing works

example of the first lines:

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                RESPONSABILITA' LIMITATA''   

  • 2

    What does it mean “badly shaped”? Please post the first few lines of your file, how can we help you without knowing what the problem is?


  • i posted the first lines


  • 1

    As well as seeing your input file (the firts few lines is a good start), we also need to know what you want the output to be. A data frame? A list? What information should it contain? You maximise your chance of getting a useful answer if you provide a minimal reproducible example. This post may help.


  • @Limey thanks. I need to read it as a data.frame with well-readable rows and column. the issue is that no function in r state or excel can do it properly


  • @limif you are an expert in this kind of stuff, you can email me if you wish to help. thanks


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