Interpreting y axis in density plot [closed]

200 people were tested, 20 of those were infected. I want to get a posterior distribution for the uncertainty associated with the probability that a person is infected.

I do this like this:


dp<-dbeta(p, s+1, n-s+1)

But then when I plot it, I don’t know how to interpret the y axis and summary results:

plot(p, dp, type="l")

enter image description here

> summary(dp)
     Min.   1st Qu.    Median      Mean   3rd Qu.      Max. 
 0.000000  0.000011  0.032438  3.322259  3.841204 18.820899 

So there is a 10% chance of…..something being 18.82? Or? What does this summary tell me?

Also, what is the difference between the first plot and the plot below?


enter image description here

  • 2

    I want to get a posterior distribution for the uncertainty associated with the probability that a person is infected. + interpreting densities + differentiating kernel density estimates and theoretical densities. I think this is better placed on


  • Hello, so for clarification: Your first plot shows the values obtained by ‘dbeta(p, s+1, n-s+1)’ against sequence p. So naturally the x-axis describes sequence p (i. e. the distance from 0 to 3 in 300 steps). Acordingly the y-axis shows the values of the vector dp; This is the density of the beta-distribution at values p (like imagine you have a normal distribution with mean 0 and sd 1 and you would ask for the density at 0). The second shows just the density (probability density function) of your beta-distribution; So the probability of a variable falling within a particular range of values.


  • This is at least vague in many places and lacks interpretation @Markus_J.


  • 2

    Remember that the area under a probability density curve must equal 1. Your x values are mainly in a small range, which is why you get high values of y.


  • OP, the interpretation of the plot dp versus p is that the area under the curve over an interval (i.e., the integral of the function over the interval) is the probability, i.e. the rational degree of belief, that p falls in that interval. p must be somewhere between 0 and 1, so the integral over the interval (0, 1) must be exactly 1. One can talk about that stuff at greater length, but that’s the most concise summary.


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