Installing Xamarin in Visual Studio 2022

“After I attempted to install Xamarin in Visual Studio community 2022, it displayed the following errors:

Installing Xamarin problem: After nine attempts, there was a problem downloading the following file:

Sorry, something went wrong. Couldn’t download AndroidPlatformTools_Xamarin.

Couldn’t download AndroidPlatformMAUI.

Couldn’t download AndroidBuildTools_Xamarin.

Couldn’t download AndroidForm31.

Couldn’t download AndroidTools_Xamarin.”

please help me I can’t install the Xamarin to my visual studio community 2022.

I would greatly appreciated your help.

  • I can download that file, likely a network issue.


  • If you have a nearby friend with a better connection, ask them to generate the offline installer and then move it through a portable drive…, remember to include the cross platform workload…


  • What’s the error message ? maybe a proxy issue ?


  • Thank you, guys. I appreciate your help. I love you, bro. I fixed the problem; it was because of a network issue. I’ve already installed Xamarin. <3


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