influxdb cli bucket create on remote server

I am trying to create an inFlux bucket on the command line (Debian) on my local business network remotely

influx bucket create --description "Test Description" --host --name "cli test" --org 5a107188112648ba -t btQo_vgVRIs3DuGlIe7NXV33vsE4GCOB8XK68f_R5WiGGcn8wnrKNJ83-RcYiFcmP02-gJ-XnH2irLQnG3-Jpw==

I get the following reply:
Error: host URL "" is invalid: parse "": first path segment in URL cannot contain colon

Do I have to create the bucket with a username and password? If so, how do I specify the username and password?

InFlux version is 2.6.1

I had to add http:// to the IP address like this:
influx bucket create --description "Test Description" --host --name "cli test" --org 5a107188112648ba -t btQo_vgVRIs3DuGlIe7NXV33vsE4GCOB8XK68f_R5WiGGcn8wnrKNJ83-RcYiFcmP02-gJ-XnH2irLQnG3-Jpw==

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