In handlebars is it possible to render a partial and store the result in a handlebars variable?

In handlebars is it possible to render a partial and store the result in a handlebars variable?

I have a partial that I keep invoking and I want to expedite handlebars rendering so this result is only calculated once.

Is this possible to do in handlebars or do I need to add some tooling.
For context I am using java and

Some more robust solutions that come to mind are:

  1. create a cached helper function
  2. create a property that stores the result of this rendering in my java layer and make it cached and lazily evaluated

And number 2 seems the most robust.
How do people recommend solving this problem?

Here is an example of an outer template that calls input_type.hbs partial twice using the current context.


interface SetterForBlah <T> {
    Map<String, {{#with mapValueSchema}}{{> schema_input_type }}{{/with}}> getInstance();
    T getBuilderAfterBlah(Map<String, {{#with mapValueSchema}}{{> schema_input_type }}{{/with}}> instance);    

Note: even if I make the map value type a generic here, my implementing class would still have to render schema_input_type twice using mapValueSchema as the context.

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