In Dart, is there any way to store a var as a map value and then reassign the map value/var to a new value (pointer, basically)?

I got this code:

characteristics =
    CharacteristicList.fromJson(['characteristic list'] ?? []);
    .fromJson(['starship characteristic list'] ?? []);
skills = SkillList.fromJson(['skill list'] ?? []);
obligations =
    ObligationList.fromJson(['obligation list'] ?? []);
motivations =
    MotivationList.fromJson(['motivation list'] ?? []);

which works ok, but not super pretty and easy to maintain. What I’d really like to do is have a map like this:

List<Map<String, dynamic>> dataList = [
    'data': characteristics,
    'list': CharacteristicList.fromJson,
    'type': 'characteristic list'

and then

dataList[i]['data'] =
    dataList[i]['list']([dataList[i]['type']] ?? []);

That’s obviously not going to work because it’s updating the map, not characteristics itself.

Is there any possible way to achieve this (without a bunch of complicated added boiler code)?

  • Have only one source of truth, and update it there. Derive all the reshapings of that truth via currently executed code.


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