Import struct from main package into another package in golang

I have two packages main and test. I’m working on test package and I need to import a struct that is decalared inside main package, but it seems to be impossible!
This is my directory structure:

├── test/
│   └── test.go
├── main.go
└── go.mod


module my_project

go 1.20


package main

import "my_project/test"

type MainStruct struct {
    Name string

func main() {


package test

func TestFunction() {
    // I want to access 'MainStruct' here

Is it possible to import from parent package?

  • 6

    There is no parent/child package hierarchy, and you cannot import main (even if this were possible, you would have an import cycle which is also not allowed)


  • 4

    Declare the type in a third package. Import that package in my_project and my_project/test.


To access a struct defined in the main package from another package in Go, it’s recommended to refactor your code. The main package is typically not designed to be imported by other packages. Instead, you can create a separate package for shared types and functions. Here’s how you can restructure your project:

Create a Shared Package: Move the MainStruct to a new package, say shared. This package can be imported by both your main and test packages.

Directory Structure:
Reorganize your project like this:

├── shared/         # Shared package
│   └── shared.go
├── test/           # Test package
│   └── test.go
├── main.go
└── go.mod


package shared

type MainStruct struct {
    Name string


package main

import (

func main() {
    s := shared.MainStruct{Name: "Example"}


package test

import (

func TestFunction(s shared.MainStruct) {

Ensure your go.mod file has the correct module path.

This approach makes your code modular, reusable, and aligns with Go’s package design principles. It also helps in avoiding circular dependencies.

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