ID card verification in react native (blinkid-react-native)

I have an important question for you. Have any of you ever tried integrating ID card verification in React Native or specifically with blinkid-react-native? I’m currently facing some challenges while trying to integrate ID card verification in React Native. If any of you have encountered similar issues or have any tips and tricks to share, I would greatly appreciate your help.

I am using blinkid-react-native here is the issue i am facing in android

here is what i am getting on pod install

'use strict';

import { Platform, NativeModules } from 'react-native';

import { RecognizerResultState } from './recognizer'

const BlinkIDNative ={
      ios: NativeModules.BlinkIDIos,
      android: NativeModules.BlinkIDAndroid

 * This exposes the appropriate native BlinkID module module as a JS module, based on
 * detected platform: Android or iOS. This has functions:
 * -> 'scanWithCamera' which takes the following parameters:
 * 1. Object overlaySettings: instance of OverlaySettings, contains settings for desired camera overlay
 * 2. RecognizerCollection recognizerCollection: object containing recognizers to use for scanning
 * 3. String license: BlinkID base64 license key bound to application ID for Android or iOS. To obtain
 *                       valid license key, please visit or
 *                       contact us at
 *    OR
 *    Object license: containing:
 *               - mandatory parameter 'licenseKey': base64 license key bound to application ID
 *                       for Android or iOS. To obtain valid license key, please visit
 *              or contact us at
 *               - optioanl parameter 'licensee' when license for multiple apps is used
 *               - optional flag 'showTrialLicenseKeyWarning' which indicates
 *                  whether warning for trial license key will be shown
 *        in format
 *  {
 *      licenseKey: '<base64iOSLicense or base64AndroidLicense>',
 *      licensee: String,
 *      showTrialLicenseKeyWarning: Boolean
 *  }
class BlinkIDWrapper {
      async scanWithCamera(overlaySettings, recognizerCollection, license) {
            try {
                  var licenseObject = license;
                  if (typeof license === 'string' || license instanceof String) {
                      licenseObject = { licenseKey: license };
                  const nativeResults = await BlinkIDNative.scanWithCamera(overlaySettings, recognizerCollection, licenseObject);
                  if (nativeResults.length != recognizerCollection.recognizerArray.length) {
                        console.log("INTERNAL ERROR: native plugin returned wrong number of results!");
                        return [];
                  } else {
                        let results = [];
                        for (let i = 0; i < nativeResults.length; ++i) {
                              // native plugin must ensure types match
                              // recognizerCollection.recognizerArray[i].result = recognizerCollection.recognizerArray[i].createResultFromNative(nativeResults[i]);

                              // unlike Cordova, ReactNative does not allow mutation of user-provided recognizers, so we need to
                              // return results and let user handle them manually.
                              let result = recognizerCollection.recognizerArray[i].createResultFromNative(nativeResults[i]);
                              if (result.resultState != RecognizerResultState.empty) {
                        return results;
            } catch (error) {
                  return [];

export var BlinkID = new BlinkIDWrapper();

import { Recognizer } from './recognizer'

 * Represents a collection of recognizer objects.
export class RecognizerCollection {
       * @param recognizerArray Array of recognizer objects that will be used for recognition. Must not be empty!
      constructor(recognizerArray) {
            /** Array of recognizer objects that will be used for recognition */
            this.recognizerArray = recognizerArray;
             * Whether or not it is allowed for multiple recognizers to process the same image.
             * If not, then first recognizer that will be successful in processing the image will
             * end the processing chain and other recognizers will not get the chance to process
             * that image.
            this.allowMultipleResults = false;
            /** Number of miliseconds after first non-empty result becomes available to end scanning with a timeout */
            this.milisecondsBeforeTimeout = 10000;

            if (!(this.recognizerArray instanceof Array)) {
                  throw new Error("recognizerArray must be array of Recognizer objects!");
            // ensure every element in array is Recognizer
            for (var i = 0; i < this.recognizerArray.length; ++i) {
                  if (!(this.recognizerArray[i] instanceof Recognizer )) {
                        throw new Error( "Each element in recognizerArray must be instance of Recognizer" );

export { RecognizerResultState } from './recognizer'
export * from './types'

// export overlays that can be used
export * from './overlays/blinkidOverlays'

// export recognizers that can be used and their results
export * from './recognizers/successFrameGrabberRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/blinkIdMultiSideRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/blinkIdSingleSideRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/documentFaceRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/idBarcodeRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/mrtdCombinedRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/mrtdRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/passportRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/visaRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/usdlRecognizer'
export * from './recognizers/usdlCombinedRecognizer'

i tried to ask solution to my problem and i expect solution

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