So I’m trying to request a query from my notion database, but since the default maximum of page_size
pagination is 100, I decided to use the next_cursor
to get all the data in my database. Logically, I temporarily save all of the response in a list until there’s no more pages left.
The code works very well if I just request a default database using{databaseID}/query
. The eror happens when I tried to get the next page after using the previous next_cursor. The error is HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Could someone help me out why this is happen, I’m pretty sure its the right API?
This is my code:
public class NotionDatabase<T> : NotionObject where T : INotionProperty, new()
public NotionDatabase(string apiKey, string databaseID) : base(apiKey)
ID = databaseID;
EndPointQuery = $"{databaseID}/query";
protected readonly string ID;
protected readonly string EndPointQuery;
protected Database<T> Result;
public virtual async void Get(Action<T[]> onSuccess = null, Action<string> onError = null)
List <DatabaseEntry<T>> allResult = new(); // Store all result from request
string nextCursor = null;
bool hasMore = true;
RateLimiter rateLimiter = new RateLimiter(2);
while (hasMore)
await rateLimiter.WaitAsync(); // Wait for rate limiting
string queryEndpoint = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextCursor) ? EndPointQuery : EndPointQuery + $"?start_cursor={nextCursor}";
using var req = WebRequestWithAuth(queryEndpoint, RequestType.POST);
while (!req.isDone)
await Task.Yield();
if (req.result != UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
Debug.Log($"Get Json {ID} failed ({req.error}).");
Result = JsonUtility.FromJson<Database<T>>(req.downloadHandler.text);
if (GetHasMoreValue(req.downloadHandler.text) == "false")
hasMore = false;
nextCursor = GetNextCursorValue(req.downloadHandler.text);
onSuccess?.Invoke(allResult.ConvertAll(x =>;
What is webrequestwithauth? Its telling you what you sent was not what it wanted so you need that
Its a unitywebrequest, basically its just a shortcut method for me to write headers and my API request
The error only happens when I add the start_cursor parameter in the URL. I guess thats not how you use it though (ps: I already test it too in API request online website and its the same error 400. Something about the syntax of the url