I am currently in my final testing phase of testing my smart contract for my NFT Marketplace(using the sepolia test net) however there are two pieces of functionality that I have left to test and that is incrementation and decrementation. Since OpenZeppelin removed Counters.Sol, I now have no idea how to write out my tests for incrementing and decrementing variables/values in my contract. Here is my code taking my sellListing Function as an example(along with my test for it).
function sell(
uint256 _tokenId,
uint256 _price,
address _seller,
address _owner,
address _buyer
)external payable returns(
require(balanceOf[_buyer] <= _price, "Insufficient funds to purchase NFT");
balanceOf[_buyer] <= _price;
require(_seller == _owner, "Seller is not the current owner of the NFT");
_seller == _owner;
require(msg.value == _price, "Price must be the correct selling price of the NFT");
msg.value == _price;
require(_buyer == msg.sender, "Buyer not the caller of the transaction");
_buyer ==msg.sender;
uint256 newItemsSold = currentItemsSold;
owner = _owner;
return(_owner, _tokenId, newItemsSold);
And here is my test for this function.
function testSellFunction() public payable{
address ownerOfNft;
uint256 priceOfNft;
uint256 balanceOfBuyer;
address seller = msg.sender;
assertEq(seller, msg.sender, "The address calling this function must be the seller of the NFT");
address sellerOfNft = ownerOfNft;
assertEq(sellerOfNft, ownerOfNft, "Seller must be the owner of this NFT");
assertGe(balanceOfBuyer, priceOfNft, "Balance must be higher in order to purchase NFT");
uint256 nftPrice = msg.value;
assertEq(nftPrice, msg.value,"Price must be the correct selling price of the NFT");
If you guys have any other criticisms of my code please feel free to say something! I am always trying to learn and get as much feedback and tips as I can! Thank you all in advance:)
I tried to migrate from the Counters.sol contract functionality from OpenZeppelin which I believe I did, however I am not too sure on how to test this functionality using Foundry. So I am completely missing that part of my test.