How to remove border from buttons in google apps script?

In my User Interface for the Google Calendar add-on, I’m attempting to remove the border from my buttons.

While I can create a border style, I’m unable to apply it to my buttons, as newTextButton or newButtonSet does not support borders, resulting in an error.

How can I eliminate the borders from my buttons?

image with border button

// this is my border style varible for removing borders
const bor = CardService.newBorderStyle();

this is my button code

const back_button = CardService.newTextButton()

var buttonSet = CardService.newButtonSet()

// button then added as a widget

const section = CardService.newCardSection().addWidget(buttonSet);

const card = CardService.newCardBuilder().addSection(section);

I tried these things but none of them worked?

// tried each of them individually 
const back_button = CardService.newBorderStyle(bor).newTextButton().setText("CHANGE_HOST_ID")

const back_button = CardService.newBorderStyle().setType(CardService.BorderType.NO_BORDER).newTextButton().setText("CHANGE_HOST_ID")

const section = CardService.newCardSection().addWidget(buttonSet).newBorderStyle(bor);

const card = CardService.newCardBuilder().newBorderStyle(bor).addSection(section);```

  • 1

    You probably cannot the card service is very restrictive in that regard


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