How to install with terratest a chart with dependencies

I’m using terratest to do unit test and integration test of a big helm chart. This chart has a lot of other chart dependencies, and the definition looks something like this (there are many other dependencies):

apiVersion: v2
name: chart
description: A Helm chart for deploying Ditto BigPeer Anywhere
type: application
kubeVersion: < 1.28.3
version: 1.19.0
appVersion: 1.19.0
  - name: ingress-nginx
    condition: feature.ingress-nginx.enabled
    repository: ""
    version: 4.8.2
      - ingress

And my code in go to do the integration test looks like this:

package test

import (

func TestPodDeploysContainerImage(t *testing.T) {
    helmChartPath := "../"
    kubectlOptions := k8s.NewKubectlOptions("", "", "default")

    options := &helm.Options{
        ValuesFiles: []string{
    releaseName := "chartname"

    helm.Install(t, options, helmChartPath, releaseName)

    // here comes the test logic

My environment is minikube and I have installed the chart manually and it works, but when a run the tests with go, I get the following error:

error while running command: exit status 1; Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: An error occurred while checking for chart dependencies. You may need to run `helm dependency build` to fetch missing dependencies: found in Chart.yaml, but missing in charts/ directory: ingress-nginx, cert-manager, strimzi-kafka-operator, consul

I already ran the dependency build but it doesn’t change anything, the .tgz files in the charts folder are downloaded, but terratest is not able to use them, how can I run the tests?

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