How to dynamically load different forms in material sidenav

I have multiple modules that are lazily loaded and they have their own routing.
For example,

UserModule has the following routes

And to view the data when we click on a grid item from user-list page, I used to open a mat-dialog and show the data.

Now the requirements has changed and we would like to show the same view-component in a right side sidenav.

One approach I thought of is having

<mat-sidenav position="end" fixedInViewport="true" #sidenav mode="side"> 
    <app-user-view [user]="selectedRow"></app-user-view>

But this is like hidden in the user list HTML page. And also, To close, I have to either pass the sidenav ref in my view component or call and @Output emit.

Can we have a global sidenav next to the main left-side sidenav that dynamically loads my view components from any of my lazily loaded modules?

The approach you’ve mentioned with a mat-sidenav and an app-user-view component inside it is a reasonable way to display the user details in a side panel. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind when implementing this:

  1. Communication between Components: You’ll need a way to communicate between the user-list component (where you likely have your grid) and the app-user-view component within the mat-sidenav. One common approach is to use a service to share data between components or to emit events.

  2. Lazy Loading: If you’re using lazy loading for your modules, make sure that the app-user-view component is also loaded lazily. This way, it will only be fetched when needed, reducing initial page load times.

  3. Routing Configuration: Ensure that your routing configuration is set up to display the mat-sidenav with the app-user-view component when a user clicks on a grid item. You may need to set up a route that maps to this specific view and pass any necessary parameters, like the userId, as route parameters or through a service.

Here’s a high-level example of how you might structure your code:

// user-list.component.ts
  // ...
export class UserListComponent {
  // ...
  openUserDetails(userId: string) {
    // Use a service or event emitter to communicate with app-user-view

// app-user-view.component.ts
  // ...
export class AppUserViewComponent {
  @Input() user: User; // Input to display user details

  // ...

// app-routing.module.ts
const routes: Routes = [
  // ...
    path: 'user/view/:userId', // Define a route for viewing user details
    component: AppUserViewComponent,
  // ...

In this example, when a user clicks on a grid item in user-list, you can navigate to the user/view/:userId route and pass the userId as a route parameter. The AppUserViewComponent associated with this route will be displayed within the mat-sidenav.

Remember to adapt this to your specific project structure and requirements. Additionally, if you’re using lazy loading, ensure that you configure your routes and module imports accordingly to optimize performance.

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