How to create diffrent sessions(tabs) in one browser and duplicating tab using IInputSimulator

I am using ChromeDriver with Selenium in my WPF desktop(.net core) application and I want to open different tabs(Sessions) in 1 Chrome browser For that I am using IInputSimulator(virtual keyboard) with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+x but it is not opening as per the given TabCount.

Do you have any solution or alternate way to achieve the same?

Here is my code snippet:

for (var i = 0; i < TabCount - 1; i++)
                    _logger.Info($"Tab changed: i={i}, tab count:{TabCount}");

                    _inputSimulator.Keyboard.ModifiedKeyStroke(new[] { VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL, VirtualKeyCode.SHIFT }, new[] { VirtualKeyCode.VK_X });

                    if (_driver.Url != Constant.TabUrls.Google_URL)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.Error(ex.Message, ex);
                _logger.Info("Go back to main handler");

According to tab-window-shortcuts, there is no shortcuts for tab duplicating. Use the following instead:


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