I’m learning kivy and projects on python bigger then 1 file.
How properly add new classes in new files?
Now i create
a) Example.py with definition and add import to main.py file
b) example.kv with KV code and add include to this files where i want use it this element.
If i don’t import/include both files project don’t see class but when i do it kivy says that it’s already included. So us in title? How do it properly?
See my answer in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/77708993/10398943
kv code has a global namespace, it only needs to be loaded once.
By default kivy will try to load a kv file with the same name as the class derived from App. Make sure you are not importing it twice.
For your example, lets say we have:
main.py – the main python file
main.kv – the main kv file, defines the root widget
screen_1.py defines the methods used in class Screen1
screen_1.kv defines the kv for Screen1
# in main.py import Screen1
from screen_1 import Screen1
# in main.py load the main.kv file in build()
class MyFirstApp(App):
def build(self):
return Builder.loadfile('main.kv')
# in screen_1.py load the kv file.