So my goal is, using Google Appscripts, to call an external API for addresses, which returns a JSON/array with that information. 90% of the time, the API is fine. However, sometimes, I can legitimately call an address that is not in the API database, so the API gives me a 404 in this case.
My problem: When the API returns a 404, it ends the Appscript program that I am writing. How do I check the API response so that I can see if it is returning a 404 before I attempt to access it, which shuts the program down prematurely?
What I would like to do is to have the code: 1) understand an error has happened but still continue the program, 2) by creating an empty array in lieu of the property address data I am searching for. I know how to do 2), but I can’t do 1 – I can’t trigger the creation of that array based on the knowledge that a 404 call happened. Please help!
Thank you so much in advance!!
I have no idea what to try – I’m not sure I understand the handling exceptions portion of Appscript, because this is calling an external database and not an internal Google database, then returning a 404, so I don’t know what applies and what does not.
Assuming that you call the API with UrlFetchApp, there are two ways to deal with it:
- Disable exceptions on unsuccessful requests by setting
:const options = { 'method': 'get', 'muteHttpExceptions': true // Include other necessary options like headers }; const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl, options); const responseCode = response.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode === 200) { // Success, process the data } else if (responseCode === 404) { // Handle 404 error console.log("API returned 404: Address not found"); } else { // Handle other types of errors console.log("Error with response code: " + responseCode); }
- Wrap UrlFetchApp in try/catch block:
try { const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrl); const data = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); // Process your data // ... } catch (e) { // Check if the error is a 404 if (e.message.includes("404")) { console.log("API returned 404: Address not found"); // Handle 404 specific logic } else { // Handle other types of errors console.log("Error: " + e.message); } }