Hints are not displayed

Win 10 ver 1.83.0
hints are not displayed, can some extension be installed? I need them to be visible

how to make sure that there were inscriptions in the place “—–“

As I see it

rebooted ? yes
Have you tried installing an extension ? yes
an extension conflict? no
(problem before installing extensions)

One example is how it should be)

  • Why did you tag C?


  • @Joel Hello, isn’t “C” included in the “VS code” structure? Or is Emmett not a “C”? which incorrectly displays hints, in my opinion, the tags are correct in this case, it doesn’t matter what language I chose, it’s important that the displayed hints don’t work, and how to fix them, I don’t know, that’s why people “With” face such a problem, I came with a problem, and I need a solution, and not a discussion of what the “tag” is worth, please, better help me, please


  • Ohh, I see. Some might call this “autocomplete” and ms might call it ‘Intellisense’? Yes, I had a lot of issues with this in Visual Studio until I 1.) upgraded to the latest version AND 2.) increased my RAM to 16 GB. I’m pretty sure I’d get backlash for recommending 16GB RAM. So to be sure, this is not a recommendation, just an experience. Also, I hope I’ve understood your issue. Best wishes…


  • 1

    @Kz2023 You were partly right, thanks for giving me the idea, I downloaded an older version, and everything worked thanks to you


  • @Cold — great, glad to hear it! And thanks for getting back to me.


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