Gradle configuration updates using gradle wrapper
- migration for gradle 3.5 [JDK 8] to 7.4.2 [Jdk 17] for gradle properties
- Gradle Wrapper Jar update for gradle 7.4.2
- build.gradle update w.r.t changes
- change the distribution url from 3.5 to
2. Download and update gradle wrapper jar of 7.4.2
3. build.gradle
- For all maven definition in repositories. add the following in BOLD
maven {
url ""
**metadataSources {
- ivy report updates
> layout 'pattern', {..} -> layout "maven", patternLayout {..}
- Change all the dependencies
> compile -> implementation
> testCompile -> testImplementation
> destinationDir -> destinationDirectory
> baseName -> archiveBaseName
> extension -> archiveExtension
- Updates the following for jacocoTestReport
> classDirectories = files(classDirectories.files.collect {..} ->
classDirectories.setFrom(files(classDirectories.files.collect {..}
> xml.enabled false -> xml.required false
csv.enabled false -> csv.required false
html.destination "${buildDir}/reports/coverage" -> html.outputLocation "${buildDir}/reports/coverage"
- Main command to build updates
> build.dependsOn test, jacocoTestReport, dist -> build { dependsOn test, jacocoTestReport, dist }
- Delete the task wrapper for defining gradle wrapper
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '3.5'