Google Or-Tools Vehicle Routing Problem – Solution is null while adding time window constrain

i have 6 locations i need to add time window to reach 1st location by 9:00 am (lets take) and 4th location by 11:00 am

scenarios: not working

  1. i tried setting time window_start_time and window_start_time from 540 min to 1440 min (540 to start from 9 am and 1440 to end of day )
  2. i tried setting time window_start_time and window_start_time from 540 to 2880(2880 extending to next day as well)

scenarios: working

  1. i tried setting time window_start_time and window_start_time from 0 min to 1440 min (0 to start of day and 1440 to end of day )
    this scenario working but i need to start my day by visiting location at 9 am , but this is giving optimized route with other locations to reach 1st

  • 1

    Can we see some code and you might like to see how to add min to time


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