Git hangs while pushing files

I’m pushing my github files to the remote repo but my files that I’m trying to push are large so I used Git lfs and I bought 1 pack by 5$ to increase the limit of the lfs storage to 50GB, and then I tried to push my files and I faced a couples of errors along a whole week but I solve them luckly, but Know I can’t solve this error so I need your help guys, when I push my files by:

git push -f origin main

this error occurs:

The error

> git push —f origin main
Uploading LFS objects: 100% (14105/14105), 16 GB I O B/ s, done.
Counting objects: 47522, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 1008 (22615/22615), done.
Writing objects: 100% (47522/47522), 631.08 MiB | 97.13 MiB/s, done.
Total 47522 (delta 24907), reused 47500 (delta 24895)

The error is: that everything goes correctly and fast unitl the last line of the code the total files, and then everything stops and it hangs and stops without any message or error and it can go forever like this so my question is is this beccause my totoal project’s size because it’s 50GB but like i said I’m using lfs and also using the git pro with 50gb sotrage of lfs and bandwidth, and also I try to increas the buffer and every solution in the internet.

So, please help me in this repository and please if u have a solution or any idea please write it down and explain it because I’m new to github.

Note: I track all the large files and add them and then commit them correctly

And please if you can enter on my computer to push the files if you know by anydesk or any other remote control app this will lit me too much happy

  • 1

    Please use text (text block) for error messages rather than a screenshot.


  • Maybe there are some files you forgot to track with LFS?


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