getStaticProps not sending data to page in Next.js

I’m trying to figure out why my getStaticProps is not sending any data. When I log the Home page props, it shows posts as undefined. I’m new to Next.js

Here’s my code

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const response = await fetch("")
  const data = response.json()

  return {
    props: { data },

export default function Home({ posts }: any) {
  console.log(`posts`, posts) // This prints undefined
  return (
    <main className="wrapper wrapper-aligned-center | flow">
      <h1 className="fz-900">Learning NextJS</h1>

Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • Can you show code how you have used getStaticProps function?


  • Does this answer your question? Getting props as undefined in component returned from getStaticProps


first of all there exsists two different options for

  • app router
  • page router

getStaticProps is only available in the old page router system, so be sure that you use the page router system if u wanna use getStaticProps

i am not sure, but the data you passed is not the data you read:

  • change data passing props: { posts: data },
  • or change data calling Home({ data }: any) and console.log(data, data)

as another tip, u can also stringify the object to check a specific object or the props at all, f.e. Home(props: any)
and in your JSX return part <div>JSON.stringify(props, null, 2)</div>, maybe it will help you in future to debug problems in passing data

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