Get data on API use apache nifi

I’m trying to get data from the Scopus API using apache nifi.
To do this I need to make several get requests using invokeHttp.

Here is the body of the get request: State University)&apiKey=my_api_key&start=0&count=25

I need to change the start field, add 25 to it, that is, start = start + 25.

I only used invokeHttp, but I couldn’t change the start field. I want to paginate to get unique data

please don’t reply with a link to similar examples, I don’t have enough understanding to do the same)

  • Here is the body of the get request” – Please add all details inside the question. The provided link isn’t even accessible


  • I want the start field to be increased by 25 before each launch of invokeHttp, nothing else is needed here


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